Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cheese Cake

all i could say is..mission accomplished! hehe..finally, the thing that i dreaded has finally gone from my life @ baking mission! it wz last satuday when i finally decided that i shld be baking cake today, since i x be having any tesl class the next day. it wz fun actually, since the lil' guy wz lingering around & poking his nose & tryin' to figure out what the heck is goin' on the table! walid took part in this mission, i think he wz showin' his moral support (thanx..babe!) by crushin the digestive & cornflakes for the base...i think he wz havin' gud time wt it next wz the task of mixin the cream cheese wt egg ( i actually used the ltk omega egg..at least x that fattenin'!)

these r the ingredients 4 the base

base dlm loose bottom ( i must admit that i have tzero knwledge in baking cakes, thus i went to the bakery parlour & asked the ladu wz the heck is loose bottom! hehe! it paid off, very well..hehe!)

yg ni plak is the blueberry (since walid is over the hills wt blueberry cheesecake kat secret recipe; so this one is for u wth muah22222xxxxx!) last pix..presenting....!

my first attempt in baking..;)nyway, i posted the recipe that i took from mesra.net & to diana @kikuri..njoy while it lasts! yum!yum!

Blackberry Cheese Cake

Untuk Base:

  • 1 peket biskut digestives
  • 2 cawan cornflakes
  • 3 sudu besar gula perang
  • 3 sudu besar mentega lembik

Untuk Filling:

  • 750 gm (3 peket) Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 225 gm gula caster
  • 1 sudu besar tepung jagung
  • 2 biji telur
  • 150 ml (1 pek kecil) yogurt perasa strawberry

1 tin blackberry (brand S&W); ditapis (hanya ambil buahnya sahaja)

  • Biar semua bahan pada suhu bilik
  • Panaskan oven pada suhu 180C.

Cara Untuk Base:

  • Kisar atau hancurkan biskut dan cornflakes hingga halus.
  • Campurkan gula dan mentega hingga sebati ke dalam adunan biskut itu.
  • Dalam acuan 'springform' atau 'loose bottom' bulat 23 cm, tekankan adunan base itu hingga rata dan kejap.
  • Bakar base selama 7 minit.
  • Ketepikan.

Cara Untuk Filling:

  • Pukul cream cheese dan gula selama 3 minit.
  • Kemudian ayak ke dalam adunan cheese itu tepung jagung.
  • Pukul lagi sehingga kembang dan tidak berbintil.
  • Masukkan telur satu persatu.
  • Masukkan yogurt. Kacau sampai sebati. D
  • engan menggunakan udip atau spatula, kaup balikkan buah blackberry itu hingga rata dalam adunan.
  • Tuang adunan itu atas base yang telah tersedia.
  • Bakar selama 30 minit atau hingga tepi kek sudah tertarik dari acunya. Setelah masak, tutup api oven dan biarkan kek dalam oven selama sejam. Renggangkan pintu oven dengan sudip kayu agar terbuka sedikit.
  • Sejukkan dalam peti sejuk.

Cadangan Hidangan:
Setelah kek sejuk, boleh dihias dengan 'mock glaze' iaitu jeli blueberry segera (suku peket) dicairkan dengan air panas dan disudukan perlahan-lahan atas permukaan kek rata-rata.

1 comment:

Kikuri-hime said...

Yummy!!!!!! Bilalaa dapt can makan cake sulong ko ni!!!! Tp dia punye ingredients mahal tahap otomen!