Monday, July 13, 2009

A colleague of mine

yup..tis entry is about tis colleague of mine how many colleague do i have? many, (that includes the othr half) another question, out of "that many", how many of them are ur besties? answer, not many! ok...out of "not that many", could it be 5 - 8 besties undr 1 roof? ...the answer othr half is my only BESTIE in the office!!! hahah yup, i dont share little, dirty secrets with colleagues, not even rumours (huh?) yup, even b4 i got married, i hav never had bestie undr 1 roof do label me as narcissist, but thats just me i dont trust peeps that easily so when i became mrs rozman, i became his bestie and he became mine..its so simple
anyway, "this colleague of mine" has been teaching for quite sometime (tis is my 9th year here, so plz imagine how long has that person been here!!) in a way, that person is a senior lecturer here & we used to be "able" to say hi, gossiping (that person is darn gud gossiper! though i dont listen to the gossips, but when peeps talk, u just hafta listen)
anyway, few weeks ago i missed 1 of the programmes organized by the dept (i couldnt find ANYONE to babysit the lil' monster) i did reason out with that person since that person is in the committee i was hoping that she could (at least) try to understand my situation ( i just x understand that that person was so mad, but that person is not d boss!)
few weeks later...
i met that person tis morning, & to my surprise...u knw what...that person ignored me!! i was standing rite in front, & that person ignored me!! huh! can u imagine that..i felt sad at first, but the more i dwell on tis matter, i feel relieved actually!! hhehehe tis means that i x hav to listen to rumours/gossips that that person has all the time, i x hav to pretend to be nice in front of that person, best of all, that person is x even my bestie (READ AS..i can desert that person at any time!!)
nway, i'v heard stories abt that person, & nw i knw that those stories r true i've got nothing to lose!! in fact, that person should be sorry, since i'v decided to walk away frm the clan..

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