Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mangkuk Tingkat Day

With the power bestowed (sapa le plak yg bg power kat aku ni!?) to me, I now declare today is the "mangkuk tingkat" Day! yeah!
haha..yg sebenarnye..the other half of me has a 6-hr class, from 8-4pm every Wednesday and knowing that he despises the fact that we drive our for lunch, he suggested (or wz it me who voluteered?! xpe, dpt pahala beb..kan one of the resolutions for 2009 is TO GAIN AS MANY PAHALA AS I CAN!! hahaha) that i bring lunch from home... what a brilliant idea! (i told myself!)
betulle..we could save many things by doing tis..of course the $, the time, the effort and mostly the tot of rushing back to the office as early as possible sbb nak berebut parking space!! hahah betul..u see, the campus students are now dare to park their cars wherever they wish , even at the spaces that are not designed for them! duh! geram?! not really, sbb its not my job to watch where they park their cars, as long as I get my exact space everyday (ni kes giler parking...)
so, to start off...i packed 3 dishes (all were cooked late last nite..) , only the rice was cooked tis morning..someone asked me last yr (this routine started last yr) " ade masa ke nak msk seme2 lauk?"
my answer was : la..bangunle awal skit, sholat, pastu masak le (masa ni mmg buat muka bangga giler!!)
that person asked again : untungnye ust, dpt istri yg rajin
my answer was : sendiri mau ingat le (tp dlm hati kecik ku ini saje!!)

the first tier contains the vege (kangkung), second tier for sambal sotong kering and the last tier for the rice ( sorry, i could x show the interior, for they have been "emptied"!)

our last piece of limau mandarin (mmg sedap giler, its finger lickin' gud!)

lastly, a cuppa of nescafe for digestion (theory ni saya buat sendiri, sbbnye tak mau terlelap dlm kelas!!)

finally, a satisfied curry goddness!!!



muka bangga tu yg x tahan tuh! tp alhamdulillah... x sangka kakak saya yg rawk ni skang dh jd calon isteri mithali 2009!

Kikuri-hime said...

OMG!! Look at you! You look so contented! And you r still sooooo cute! :P I miss you so veeerrryyyy MUCH!!!